Thursday, November 29, 2007

And Speaking of Numbers...

... Abang started doing Sudoku!

He's been exposed to it for quite awhile now because Cikgai absolutely loves doing Sudoku. And my mother is a very patient person who can sit down and explain to a very curious 4 year old boy what she's doing.

So yesterday I took the boys book shopping at KLCC and I stumbled upon a Sudoku For Kids book. They have Book 1 and Book 2 so I got Book 1 for Abang. When I looked at the first few puzzles, initially I thought they looked too easy with only a handful of blank squares. But then I realised Abang has never actually done it before so the last thing I want is for him to give up because it's too hard.

That evening I took the boys to the playground and Abang insisted on taking his new book along because "park is for playing so I must do my work first before playing". Needless to say that took me by surprise - probably been taught that at school - but I wholeheartedly agreed with him and replied, "Yes, that's right! Let's do Sudoku at the park and then you can play on the swings or slides."

I explained the concept to him and then we did one puzzle. I reckon he'll continue needing some guidance before he can do it on his own but I think it's great that he likes it. He's certainly enjoying his numbers and he absolutely loves going for his e.nopi classes.

He does his e.nopi homework without any/ much fuss, so I think that's great. So if he can also start doing Sudoku on his own, our smart little tike is just going to get smarter. Mummy and Daddy will have to work harder to keep one step ahead of him!


At 4:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

errrr ant j is SO not in2 i guess i will distract him with arts n crafts instead... - ant j


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