Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Drama King

The day started out all wet and gloomy this morning. Perfect weather to sleep in, but of course Adik had other ideas. He was up and about before 7am while I was still wishing the rain would induce some sleeping-in on his part, but alas ...

By afternoon the sun was out and it was a very nice afternoon - not too hot but not raining either. We decided later we would go for a walk to the playground nearby. However, by the time we actually left the house, half the sky was covered in dark clouds. Oh well, we attempted it anyway.

As always, Harun and Thomas followed us when we left the house on foot. When they saw us running, they ran too. Actually Harun doesn't run; he gallops! Thomas, while carrying a rather full load of belly, can sprint too.

At one point I turned around to admire the cats running not realising that Abang had taken a tumble on the road. He, Adik and Daddy had been running and suddenly he tripped and fell. He howled. Daddy and I checked out his legs and he had scraped the inside of his knee quite badly.

He howled some more, understandably as it was probably stinging, and Daddy and I tried to calm him down. We ditched the playground idea and made a U-turn to go home. I had to fetch Adik who was running ahead and when he saw Abang crying, he asked, "Why Abang crying? What's wong, Abang, what's wong?" (He can't say "wrong" yet; he says "wong".)

By the time we reached home Abang was chatting away like nothing happened. The funny thing was that when he showed Wan his leg, he started howling again! Adik and I were in the garden and I could hear him - as could the neighbours, I reckon.

What a drama king!

Can't imagine where he got that from.

Hmmm ... of course, there was this one time when he asked me to help him with a computer game he was playing. So when my character kept getting attacked I would make the required sounds and arms flailing as if I really was being attacked and Abang said to me, "You so drama la, Mummy."

Oh no!


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