Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mummy's Little Helper

Adik has really taken to the kitchen. In fact, he would get downright upset if I don't let him.

Last week he started helping me prepare dinner by *insisting* that he tumbuk the garlic and shallots. So I gave him some peeled ones and watched how he did it. He did very well! I actually used them in the stir-fried vege dish!

When he was done, I asked him to wash his hands and go and play so he pushed the stool towards the kitchen sink and started washing his hands. While doing so, he noticed there were some unwashed items in there and proceeded to wash those!

Admittedly, I did have to re-wash some of the things but then, like I mentioned to Ant J, I get what I pay for since I pay nothing.

(Oh yes, Abang walked in at some point and decided he wasn't going to miss out on all the "fun" and tried to "help" by sharpening our butter knives - from the expensive set, no less - for which I had to shower him with appreciation for his kind thought.)

And Adik would also help to "cook" the rice:

Daddy says Adik would make a good house-husband. I'm just enjoying his help (and enjoying watching him do all these things so earnestly!).


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