Saturday, November 22, 2008

KLCC Park on a Saturday Morning

The title says it all!

I've been suggesting to Daddy that we need to start doing some regular exercise, preferably as a family, and I thought Bukit Jalil park would be a good place to go. A little far, but then it's very big and quite fun as we've been there before several times.

Daddy had a better idea - why not KLCC park instead?

So we packed up the boys and some drinking water and after a nasi lemak breakfast, headed off to KLCC. The boys were a little confused as to why we were going there so early in the morning. To them, KLCC equals:

1. Aquaria, or
2. Petrosains, or
3. Lunch with Daddy on a workday,

all of which was just not possible at 8am on a Saturday morning. In fact, Abang kept saying he'd rather go KL Tower than KLCC.

We parked at the KL Convention Centre (where Aquaria is) and made our way to the park. It was about 8:30 in the morning and there were already lots of people out and about but best of all, no mosquitoes!

We let the boys run around, burning off their excess energy, until we got to the children's playground which is like a gazillion times larger than our neighbourhood playground and with as many playing equipment. Good thing Wan wasn't with us, or she'd be constantly yelling at them "Jangan lari!" which I don't think is realistic, when you have young children at a playground.

The park itself has lots of lights, making it very well lit for night joggers. The toilets were fine, i.e. clean, not smelly and has toilet paper, and there were drinking fountains as well. There were many workers sweeping dried leaves or cleaning the ponds. (There was one pond being cleaned and had the sign "Dalam Tindakan" which left us a bit perplexed.) Security officers were also seen around the park.

By the time we walked back to the car, getting some MILO ais en route, both boys were stumbling about, alternating between "nak dukung" and running on adrenaline. At one point I carried Adik and he leaned his head on my cheek and I was so grossed out by all his sweat that I had to put him down and rummage his bag for a tissue. Of course, he thought it was a game when I started chasing him with a tissue in my hand and would run off further away.

So that was a good reconnaissance mission (or "recky" in local lingo) - I am quite sure Daddy and I got the exercise we were looking for and the boys had fun. Mission accomplished!


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