Friday, November 07, 2008


Abang's done it again! (More or less.)

I picked up Abang's report card this morning and he scored 100% in Maths, Bahasa Malaysia and Science and 78% for Mandarin. I passed his English paper back to the teacher because after going through all the papers, I noticed that he had 2 mistakes in English, for a deduction of 4 marks, but yet was given 100%. Upon closer scrutiny, I realised that the question could probably have been clearer, so he could actually be forgiven for not getting it right, but I did not want to assume that that was the reason for the discrepancy. I chose instead to assume that the teacher had just made a mistake. I'm willing to bet that my assumption is correct.

Anyway, they'll get back to me on Monday as the teacher was attending to another parent when I arrived to fetch the boys and inquire about Abang's English paper.

As for Mandarin, well, obviously not as good as his mid-year assessment of 96%, but, hey ... worse things could happen. I feel getting 78% is a very good score for someone who doesn't get any help whatsoever on this subject from his parents. Actually, if anyone's Mandarin is improving, it's mine. And it never ceases to amaze me how he can remember so much of a language that's completely alien to him. He's probably just as amazed at how Mummy can remember so little! Like when I get the characters for "door" and "window" mixed up. ("Haha Mummy, that's door la! Not window... Mummy so funny.")

I'm currently mulling over whether I want to continue Mandarin for Abang but on a one-to-one basis with his teacher. Next year I plan to switch him to Agama class at kindergarten, instead of Mandarin, so that when he starts Primary School in 2010 he won't be at a complete loss. Decisions, decisions.

As usual I asked his teacher about behaviour, is he polite, etc, and, as usual, I get the "oh he's a very good boy, so polite..." response. Which is always nice to hear.

Adik, well, Adik, is "still a bit manja" according to the principal. I'll take that over hiding/ playing under the classroom table any day!


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