Friday, September 05, 2008

Adik's Boo-Boo

Adik had a boo-boo the other day.

He and Abang were playing masak-masak, pretending to 'cook' their UNO cards in some vegetable baskets. They were using a kitchen thong which, unfortunately, has rather sharp sides.

Suddenly, Adik started crying. And I recognised that cry. It wasn't the I'm-angry-at-the-world cry, neither was it the I'm-pretending-to-cry-to-get-attention, it was a real, honest-to-goodness "HELP! I HURT MYSELF!" cry.

I rushed over and saw that he had dropped the thongs and clutched his index finger. I took a look at it and saw a little cut. It didn't look very serious so I just ooh and aah-ed over it and pacified him. Then I told him we'd go upstairs to clean it, put some antiseptic cream and then a bandage on it. He was quite agreeable to that, all the while clutching his finger. In the meantime, I wanted to switch the TV off, etc - in other words it was a few minutes before we made it up the stairs.

Wan heard the commotion and asked to see his finger. Phwoaaaarrr ... both his hands were covered in blood! Of course she freaked out - and then we both had a brilliant idea: let's show it to Abang to discourage him from playing with those thongs in the future.

Abang's expression changed very quickly from "ho-hum, yea yea, whateverrrr..." to "whoa". By the time Adik and I got upstairs I couldn't tell which finger it was that was cut! Eventually I cleaned off all the blood and found the cut, put some cream on it and then asked Adik to choose a bandage.

Besides a box of plain, transparent plasters, I also have a box of Scooby-Doo plasters, Buzz Lightyear plasters and Strawberry Shortcake plasters. He chose Strawberry Shortcake. I figured this wasn't the time to worry about, um, gender inclination so I agreed. Anyway, I was sure he would want to take it off before going to kindergarten the next day.

Sure enough, the next day he asked to take it off and requested a Scooby-Doo plaster.


P/S. When we went back downstairs, I noticed a drop of blood on the couch. Obviously a gravitational drop.


At 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

playing maask masak...they will make some girl happy....i wonder how adik is going to report this story to nenek.... :) - Ant J

At 9:24 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

It'll either be the super-manja "Ne-neeeek .... adik loooo-ka ..."; or

it'll be the "Adik luka LAH ... hmmm. Ya LAH ... hmmm."


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