Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Far, So Good

School holidays are upon us again! It seems like whenever the school holidays come around, various illnesses come a-calling too. But so far, and I will say this despite the risk of angering The Jinx Gods, we all seem fine and everybody is enjoying themselves.

On Sunday, as usual, I took Abang to his golf lesson. After 2 months, he really seems to have improved. I may sound surprised, but that's because I am. He's never been the 'physical' type and we were just happy for him to enjoy playing golf. Let's just say we're not expecting him to be the next Tiger Woods. Still, as I said, he has improved and I certainly give credit to his coaches for helping him along without pushing him. As you can see from the picture, he's got the 'kaki action' going.

Then, on Monday, we went to send Wan back to kampung. Abang was so excited not just to balik kampung, but to stay there for a few days! At one point during his stay, according to Wan, he claimed he was bored as I had not packed his hand-held games or laptop. That was intentional, on my part, as I wanted to make sure he got as much 'kampung' experience as possible. It turns out, he helped my uncle to pluck rambutans, mow the lawn (and a darned huge lawn it is) and hung out with one of my second cousins who is deaf and mute which makes for interesting communication.

On Tuesday, my auntie (Wan's sister) and hubby made a trip to kampung with all 4 of their grandchildren (2 boys, 2 girls) so that made the stay there even better for Abang. The girls were quite taken with Adik, after having had Abang as an "adik" to them (both girls are the younger sibling).

So today, Wednesday, we went to fetch him and within 10 minutes of sitting in the car on the way home Abang fell fast asleep. Obviously he was SO overtired from all that fun! Immediately upon arrival at home he decided that he'd like to continue his holiday at Atok's house. How could he resist the offer of golfing in Atok's garden, not to mention a trip to the golf shop to look for plastic golf balls?

Hopefully with all this excitement, nobody gets ill. So far, so good.


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