Saturday, June 07, 2008

Back to School

What a week it's been! All I can say is, thank goodness the school holidays are practically over and we're all almost 100% well.

After our trip to the zoo last Wednesday, I designated Thursday as "chill out" day since it was so tiring. Plus, Friday was going to be "Petrosains" day with Daddy!

Lo and behold, Friday morning arrived and I woke up feeling slightly feverish. Since it wasn't so bad plus Daddy had arranged his schedule so he could go to Petrosains with us we decided to go ahead. Unfortunately, by the time we left Petrosains to grab some lunch I was really feeling the chills AND Abang also felt like he was slightly warm too.

That evening we left Adik to stay overnight at Atok's house and Abang fell asleep on the way home at 4:30pm. He was still a bit warm but his temperature was nowhere near as high as mine, at 39.4C or 102.9F. I just bundled up, had a bit of dinner, some paracetamol and slept with Abang (he went straight through the night until 5:30am the next day).

The next day my fever was off and on, as was Abang's. He wanted to stay over at Atok's house so we did a child-swap: drop Abang off (with medication) and fetch Adik home.

From Sunday until Wednesday, it was a combination of Abang having a cough, Daddy having the sniffles and slight fever, Mummy having body aches on Sunday, gastric and stomach ache on Monday, headache progressing to migraine on Tuesday, mild headache on Wednesday, all the while with slight fever off and on.

Man that sucks.

But hooray for willing and able grandparents, aunties and uncles and hooray for Daddy's cooking! Plus we're all getting better now, just in time for school to re-open. Phew!


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