Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day and Happy Sports Day!

Finally, the boys' sports day is over, yay! It started out nice and early when Daddy wished me Happy Mother's Day and got both boys to wish me the same thing. In fact, they ran to me, gave me a big hug and ran right back to their respective computers.

About 10 minutes after that Abang came bounding out of the study and excitedly told me, "Mummy! I have a treat for you! You can play Cannonbolt Pinball on my computer!"

So I played along and showed much enthusiasm for his Mother's Day treat for me - it's the thought that counts, eh? By the way, that's the game he's not very good at and usually asks me to play it for him :)

Anyway at 8:30am we sent them to the dewan where the sports day was held and then we came back later, with Atok, Wan, Nenek and Ant J. When we arrived it was already in full swing - I have to remember the kindergarten's clock always runs about 10 minutes faster than ours.

So it was really cute to see all the children doing their respective sporty races. The older 5- and 6-year olds actually seemed to know what they were supposed to do whereas the 3- and 4-year olds had to have a helping hand from their teachers.

During Adik's game, he was supposed to carry a plastic fruit on a big senduk across the hall and then put it in a basket. After 2 steps, he decided it would be much faster if he just held the senduk in one hand and the fruit in the other hand. Still, I give him marks for putting the fruit back onto the senduk just before emptying it into the basket!

Abang did a fantastic relay race when he sprinted right to the finish line. At the end all the children received a medal and a present as well as refreshments. They only gave prizes for the parents' game.

Oh, did I mention the parents game that we joined? There were 2 games and the first game, which we participated in, involved making the longest possible line with anything and everything that we had on us at that time including the children. We started with the usual - handbag, shoes, socks, wallet, Daddy's belt, wallet, phone. Then we lay the boys down. Then we lay down ourselves! Unfortunately that wasn't enough to win. In fact, we came last. The family who won had a very brave dad who took off his shirt and used that too!

Good thing there was a playground next door to keep bored siblings entertained...

Phew, what a tiring day. So tiring that Adik took a 3.5hour nap in the afternoon and he looked like he still needed/ wanted some more when he woke up.

All's well that ends well, back to our regularly scheduled programme at school.


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