Thursday, April 17, 2008

Not Sticking to My Resolution

Oh, I have SO not been sticking to my resolution. Mummy should be flogged for allowing her sons to languish in front of the computer!

Ever since I chased them all over KLCC on Monday, I have not taken them for that walk, or made them wipe my car (dang!) and only once got Adik outside to play in the garden and help me water the plants.

As it was raining this afternoon, I did a feeble attempt to get them off the computer and do some painting instead. It usually just involves them splashing a variety of paint on some drawing block. To my horror, we ran out of paint.

To their delight, they ran straight back to the computer. Aaaaaaaa.....

Well, this Saturday morning Daddy and I are planning to wash my car. As in "wash the car ourselves", and not "get the car washed". I'm sure Abang and Adik would love to main air and, um, help us wash my gigantic van.

That ought to get them sweating.


At 1:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ant J will contribute the extra paint set currently languishing in closet...- Ant J


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