Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Traumatic Experience for Mummy

Mummy has been totally traumatised this week.

Adik's started kindergarten!! UWAaaaAAAaaaaAAaaaa ..... Here he is all happy and ready to go. I asked him on Tuesday (hoping he'd say no), "Adik, you want to go to school with Abang?"


I checked again the next morning morning, who knows? He may have changed his mind.

"Nak" was the same reply I got. Abang was so excited!

"Mummy," he said, "it's ok. PH1 class is right next to my K1 class. If Adik needs anything, Teacher Shoba can just come to my class and ask me."

BOTH the boys are growing up! AAAaaaaa... Mummy's not ready!

And then he had a brilliant suggestion: Maybe Adik can just go from 8am to 10am. So if he cries you can come and fetch him.

So sweet, our Abang. Such a big brother. Then he went to Adik and asked, "Adik, you want to go to school with Abang?"

"Nak." There's that "nak" again!

So I took them both on Wednesday morning, Adik all ready with his little Thomas and Friends backpack, a mountain of spare underwear and shorts (he's already off diapers at home) in case he's not familiar with the kindergarten toilet and wets himself, a water bottle and a great big smile.

"Yay, school!" he kept saying on the way there.

When we arrived I sat with the principal awhile to settle their fees and after a few minutes of milling about Adik got restless and made his way upstairs to his class by himself. Abang, who was also hanging out with us, went to the rescue.

"Mummy! Adik is going upstairs. I better go with him."

And off they both went.

First day report: Wet himself twice, cried for Mummy once but only after nearly 3 hours there.

Second day report: Wet himself once, didn't cry for Mummy, played lego, puzzles, ate biscuits during break and even asked his teacher for more.

Third day report: Played, ate, no crying, no wetting himself - he actually used their loo, hooray!

Besides the official report from his teacher (as above), we also get the unofficial report from Abang who claims he saw Adik arranging the chairs in his classroom.

"Were all the other children also arranging chairs in Adik's class?" I asked him.

"No, just Adik." That's Adik, alright! And Abang occasionally calls Adik "Hey, arranging chair boy".

I know, I know, I should be happy that he's adjusting well. A far cry - literally - from Abang's first week at school when he screamed bloody murder as soon as I left him there.

Actually secretly I'm beginning to enjoy the 4 hours to myself now that he's in school. But let's not get carried away, eh?


At 11:53 PM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

quite a big step from toilet trained to going to school and left by himself without you for a few hours. your boys sure are growing up!

At 2:25 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

I know, they are!



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