Friday, March 28, 2008

How to Confuse Your Wife

This evening Adik was taking a nap on my bed. Daddy was lying next to him when I came in to talk to him (Daddy, not Adik).

After some whispering - so as to not wake Adik up - Daddy switched to sign language.

Both index fingers pointing upwards, one on each side of the head.
Then the universal (or at least Malaysian) sign for makan.
Then he pointed towards the floor.

I just stood there and stared at my husband. "Um ... ok ... I got it! Devil ... eating ... downstairs! Huh? The devil's eating downstairs?"

I'm surprised all our guffawing didn't wake Adik up.

"AHA! I got it! You want me to go feed the cats!"

Aiya ... Daddy needs to learn the universal sign language for cats. That's when you stroke your pretend whiskers.


At 9:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummm...i guess you and Daddy shouldnt play charades for money then :p - Ant J

At 9:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummm on that would you charade a cat ..hmmmm this is going to bother me a while :-) - Ant J

At 5:49 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Well you can do it Austin Powers style - lick the back of your hand and smoothen down your hair.

That ought to be fairly obvious.


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