Monday, March 24, 2008

A Good Day At Work

It was such a nice day today. Abang and Adik were minding their P's and Q's, playing nicely together and being generally very pleasant.

After the 3rd showing of CARS (I'm exaggerating, by the way), even Adik got bored (thank goodness) but before I could think of an activity we could all do together, Adik found the painting set which I had stashed away.

He took it out, got his painting shirt and announced that he was going to "do painting, Mummy". And even asked Abang to join him, "Come Abang, let's do painting!"

Abang at the time was busy playing on the computer but soon realised that it would be more fun to do some painting which he hadn't done in awhile. I helped them to set up the newspapers, put out the pallets and their art block.

They both started digging into their respective masterpieces and, perhaps a little unfairly, I kept wondering when the bickering would start. It never did. In fact, Abang was being the perfect Abang.

"Here Adik, I help put paint on your pallet. You want?"

"Oh, sure Abang!"

And when Abang was done he was commended for a job well done, "Wow!" Adik said, "Good job, Abang!"

"Thank you."


About this I am not exaggerating. They really were like that!

And they continued painting nicely together, eventually getting paint all over their hands and Adik on his legs as well (much to Wan's chagrine) until I decided that it's time to stop. Abang helped to clean up, wash the rag etc. Sigh... what a great little boy!

Of course there were times when they needed to be reprimanded and scolded but each time Abang realised he did something wrong he would quickly apologise, "I'm sorry Mummy". And everytime I said "thank you" it was greeted by "your welcome" (or in Adik's case, "welcome!").

Here's hoping for more good - no, GREAT - days at work.


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