Saturday, February 09, 2008


It's that time of the year again, when we get together to go visit our Chinese relatives. As I mentioned last year, this is a time-honoured tradition dating back to the late '70s.

This year, we were the first ones to arrive. And for some reason, Adik has been obsessed with mailboxes lately. So as soon as we arrived, he didn't go to the front door. Instead he went straight to the mailbox and see if there's any mail in there (I guess). Usually the mailbox at Atok's house has lizards nesting in there but this one seemed safe enough.

I found out that my mom's uncle, whose house we were visiting, is 95 years old. Amazing! I thought he was maybe around mid-80s but I was wrong. He is a little hard of hearing - there I go again, shouting at an old man - and walks a little slowly but his mind is as sharp as ever.

We hung out for a little while, munching on various cookies, chatting and catching up. The children had a ball attacking all different types of kueh, some more messy than others. As we were about to leave, more and more family members arrived to visit.

It's nice to get together even if only once a year.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!


At 11:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is your mother's uncle Chinese? So is your mom half Chinese? I'm trying to explain the concept of half-Chinese to my kid and he says, "no, no, I'm whole, I'm not half. See, I have a head and I also have feet." Go figure, it takes a kid to point out how irrelevant race and colour are. Mag

At 11:09 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hi Mag

Yes, my mom is half Chinese. I've explained to Effendi before that he is "a Malay boy and also a Chinese boy" since Mummy and Daddy are both Malay and Chinese (Daddy also had a Chinese maternal grandmother).

I don't really bother with exact division (half, quarter, etc) and your son is right to an extent. But I do think there is value in kids knowing their heritage. It's part of who they are.


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