Monday, February 04, 2008

Ode To Our Cat

Ever since we watched P.Ramlee The Musical, I've become a huge fan of Sean Ghazi. In fact, Daddy already had Sean Ghazi's album, Semalam, prior to the musical and I quite liked it too. So when we got the chance to watch the musical, it was a no-brainer.

So now the Semalam album is on repeat in my CD player in the car. Until, of course, Abang realises it's been playing non-stop repeatedly and asks to change to something else.

Anyway, one of the songs on the album is a cover version of "Rambut Hitam, Mata Galak". The chorus goes " ... rambut heee-taaaam, mataaaaanya galak..."

It seemed quite appropriate when Daddy modified the lyrics to suit Harun and started singing "Bulunya oren, matanya buntang!"

I guess you have to know the song to appreciate this ...


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