Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to NOT Insult Your Mother

Abang said the funniest thing today.

We were driving past 1-Utama on the LDP and suddenly he said, "Mummy! See that picture! It looks like you, right?"

At first I thought, "Surely he can't mean some model on a billboard poster?" But then the perasan in me giggled and thought it must be that huge ad with some random looking model on it.

"Um ... do you mean that one? The big one between the old wing and the new wing?"

He shakes his head, "No, no... the other one. The one with the superheroes on it."

Talk about coming back down to earth with a thud.

"HA?!? That's a man la, Abang. How can it look like Mummy?"

"Yes la Mummy. You see the face. It looks like you."

I think I need to teach him the RIGHT way to compliment a woman. Rule #1: Pick a picture with a WOMAN IN IT!

Or better yet, go ask Daddy for pointers.


At 12:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aiya, I thought Abang mentioned superheroes... that's also a category to be proud of!

At 9:28 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Well... yes, if he'd picked a picture of Wonder WOMAN or Bionic WOMAN I can handle that. Heck, I'd even take She-Ra (of He-Man fame).

But he was VERY specific: See the FACE? It looks JUST LIKE YOU, Mummy, he said.



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