Saturday, March 08, 2008

Did You Exercise Today?

Exercise your right to vote, that is!

Daddy and I went bright and early at 9:30am to the polling station. It's the nearby Sekolah Menengah so we decided to walk. I wanted to bring both the boys with us, but, alas, 9:30am is also the time of Adik's favourite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so he politely declined.

It turns out the walk wasn't as short as we had expected but Abang put on a brave face and soldiered on with us. Harun followed us too, but only up until the playground. Poor guy was meowing away, obviously concerned why we weren't taking our usual evening walk route. (Actually Abang was equally worried about Harun, too, because this is an unusual route and we had to go on the main road.)

By the time we arrived at the school, Abang was ready to ask for a ride home. The SPR dude at the gate chuckled when he heard Daddy ask Abang, "So you want to walk home or you want Daddy to go home and get the car?"

After we voted, while waiting for Daddy to get the car, we met one of Abang's classmate's grandfather who always goes to the kindergarten to fetch his cucu.

Here's Abang mooning the SPR (well, not really, but it certainly looks like it):

It was a good experience for Abang, although he doesn't fully understand what it's all about. But he will!


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