Saturday, May 03, 2008

Abang's Birthday, Part 2

Today we had a little swimming party followed by lunch to celebrate Abang's birthday. Cuz and AJ (and their dad) joined us for the swim as well.

We practically had the whole pool to ourselves, save for another little boy and his dad, which made it really fun. It's interesting to see how social Abang is nowadays. Such a far cry from the shy little boy he used to be. In fact, the little boy (Ryan, age 4) kept following Abang around! Adik, being the youngest of the lot, just followed what the other 2 older boys did. Which in actual fact was what Abang did because Ryan followed Abang and Adik followed both of them.

Since there were 4 boys and 2 Daddies in the pool, the 2 Daddies took turns to take the boys (except Adik) to the adults pool. Abang's definition of "going to the adults pool" was to walk alongside while Daddy or Uncle Fred swam the length of the pool. Or, be carried on piggyback while Daddy walked the length of the pool.

They splashed around for a full hour and then got out to shower and get ready for lunch.

I attempted another Omnitrix cake and I thought that it turned out better this time around. I may be right as I had never seen a cake disappear so fast in my life!

After barely 15 minutes, this is what was left:

Most of it was eaten by the boys while the adults only 'dapat merasa' a few slices. Also seen here is the cake that Ant J made, a very yummy carrot cake which got a 9.5 (out of 10) rating from Atok and a 11 (also out of 10!) from Cikgai! Thanks Ant J!


At 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

scared wor...Cikgai and Atok rating has strict standards :-) - Ant J

At 10:43 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Well I did hype it up before the party because Atok had a hankering for carrot cake and kept talking about wanting to eat carrot cake.

So I told him, don't worry, Ant J making carrot cake for Abang's birthday.

Heheh :P


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