Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Perils of Sports

Who would have thought that a kindergarten sports day could be so frought with peril?

The Sports Day will be on this Sunday, so for the past 3-4 weeks both boys have had "sports practice" everyday. I'm pretty sure it's not for the entire 3 hours, because they need to practise one class at a time, so I suspect it's for about an hour each day.

Initially I thought it would be a fun thing and even Adik gets to participate. The principal asked me if he is joining in the sports day activities and I told her that if he can follow instructions and actually do what the others do then why not. After all he enjoys these physical activities plus he's quite well coordinated.

Unfortunately, it's starting to take its toll on the boys. Everyday when I fetch them it seems like they're overtired from the extra hour of running around. Today they had a rehearsal at the multipurpose hall so the entire morning was spent there which made them even more tired. When I pulled up at the kindergarten gate, Adik immediately ran from the bench to the gate. Abang did the same and they bumped into each other causing Adik to fall *SPLAT* on his face. He had a small cut on his forehead. Later that afternoon it changed to a benjol with a slight green colour. So now he looks like a unicorn. A cute one, though, but still a unicorn.

Oh, how he howled. And Abang howled too even though he didn't fall. As I was pacifying them while trying to pack them in the car, I heard the teacher scolding the other children about running around and falling down. I think this sports day thing is taking its toll on the teachers too!

After lunch I immediately got to giving the boys a shower so that we could all have an early nap. On the way to the bathroom, Abang stubbed his toe. He gets even more clumsy when he's tired. During the next few hours he complained about the pain but only off and on. By dinner time it was a little swollen.

In addition to all that, because of the time taken for daily sports practice, the homework has been piled on (for Abang, not Adik) I suppose to avoid falling "behind". I finally had to have a word with the principal about it today.

Man, I'll be glad when the sports day is over.


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