Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

I did the school holiday thing and took the boys to the Zoo Negara yesterday. Nenek was keen to join us so on the way there we swung by her house to fetch her.

We eventually arrived, having made several u-turns around the zoo before we found the correct entrance to the car park. Yes, I know, it's the immediate left after you exit the highway but are there signs to it? Nooooo. Instead, there are huge signs to an alternative car park way yonder which is totally deserted and is even closed.

Aneeee-way ... when we were queing up for the tickets, the staff asked us how many in our party, etc. After he had explained to us the ticket structure and how children under 3 enter for free and children between 3 and 12 are half price, Abang suddenly blurted out, "Sebab saya dah lime tahun!" The staff were quite amused. (By the way, it's RM12 for adults, RM9 for senior citizens, RM6 for children but these school holidays children get half off.)

Generally the staff there are very nice and helpful. The animals look a little sad and to be honest I thought the zoo was just so-so. It's a great place for kids to run around and learn about animals but make sure they are well protected from the sun. I slathered the boys and myself in sunblock and although they had hats, they didn't like wearing them all the time. It was a blazing hot day and I managed to get them both to constantly sip at some chilled soya bean drink.

The train ride thingy was nice, because not only is it free but you also get a quick tour of the zoo while sitting down plus the bonus of not having a guide try to explain everything using the loudspeaker which you wouldn't have been able to hear anyway.

When we arrived the Multi-Animal Show was just about to start so headed straight for it. It was quite nice, they had 2 sea lions and a hornbill doing various things. The children loved the show. I guess it must have been pretty fascinating to be so up close to them.

We had a pretty nasty lunch at the so-called fast food restaurant at the zoo. Or rather, I had a pretty nasty lunch since the boys refused - understandably so - what looked like fried chicken and nuggets and only scarfed down the fries.

By the time we headed for the exit Abang was asking for a piggyback ride and Adik had to be carried by Nenek. I'm not sure about Nenek, but I sure regret doing that because of what it did to my back!

Unfortunately I think it was a little too hot for everyone because that night Adik had a slight fever and Abang got one the next day.


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