Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scarred for Life?

I mentioned earlier that Abang had asked his best friend at kindergarten, an Indian girl called Keshika, if she would marry him and she declined saying she "wants to marry someone richer".

He also has been telling Daddy and me that he would like to have 7 sons. The reason for that is so that he can 'distribute' them to various extended family like Daddy and Mummy, Ant J, Wan, Atok, etc, so that they can 'teman' us while he is at work.

However, last week, while we were in the car he informed me that he had a change of heart.

"Mummy, I decided that I don't want to marry anybody when I become an adult."

"Oh? How come?"

"Yes laaa... easier laa, then I can do whatever I want." (I think I managed to hide a smirk.)

"Ok. But wait, I thought you want to have 7 sons? You need to get married first if you want to have children, right?"

"No, no, no," he said while shaking his head and waving his hand at me. "No laaa Mummy ... very leceh la to have sons. Nanti they keep asking for this la, for that la, want computer la, want Nintendo la ... no, no, no."

My son is nothing if not astute.


At 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL LOL LOL my nephew is so funny..... - Ant J

At 11:27 AM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Indeed he is.

And to finish off the story, after that I had a sudden realisation.

"Hey!" I asked him, "Does that mean you will be staying with Mummy and Daddy? Hooray!"

"No laaa Mummy. Where got adults stay with their parents? No, no, no... I will stay by myself in that castle near atok's house.

Then, once in awhile I will come and visit you and Daddy, visit Keshika also. I can just walk to visit Atok."

My lovely son! And such a long-term planner too.

At 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee i wonder where he got the planning genes from ....hmmmmm - Ant J


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