Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Feeling Jinxed

I've been feeling rather jinxed today, or, in layman's terms, "suey".

It started on Saturday night when my car alarm suddenly went off just before midnight. Not only was it annoying but it was highly embarrassing as well. One of my neighbours called me, asking if everything was alright. Luckily they were not asleep yet, and they were very concerned as there had been a couple of robberies in our area lately.

The alarm continued triggering randomly over the weekend, so on Monday morning I took it to the dealer to get it sorted out. I thought it was sorted out and came back happily.

When I got back, I tried using my notebook and realised my keyboard was wonky. In order for the characters to appear on the screen, I had to press down and hold each key! Aaaargh! How frustrating. All Daddy could say was, "Hooray! Time to get Mummy a new notebook!" In the end I settled for borrowing Abang's notebook when he wasn't using his computer. (Yes, how sad that I have to borrow my 5-year old's computer.)

The next day, lo and behold, my phone started telling me strange messages like "Insert SIM card" and then something like "Aiya, why you trying to save pictures, you where got Memory Stick laaa". Ok I admit, this may be my fault as I had dropped it a couple of times. Anyway, after removing and re-inserting the SIM card and Memory Stick, the phone hasn't complained since.

Tuesday night my car alarm was acting up again. Although I did not arm it - so as not to cause it to trigger - it still made a very annoying "beep beep beep" sound. And it was loud enough to disturb Daddy's sleep. Sigh. So this morning (Wednesday), I decided to take it back to the dealer to get them to do something different.

While preparing breakfast for the boys, guess what? Our cooking gas ran out. Ok, no big deal, we always have a spare gas cylinder on hand. I changed it BUT for some reason, the gas head wouldn't snap on to the new cylinder. Now I was really starting to feel suey.

Alright, I just left some money with Wan to get a new cylinder to replace the empty one. And I asked her to please ask the gas man if he can fix the gas head on to the new cylinder. Failing which, perhaps that one is faulty and so could she please ask him to take that back and replace that one as well. While he's here, get him to fix it onto the gas head immediately and make sure it works.

So off I went on my merry way to get my car alarm sorted. I was quite pleased when they told me it was done (by the way, we just asked them to disconnect the siren and we'll try to get the real problem fixed another day) and drove off. That's when I thought, "Hang on, why is my air cond blowing out hot air?" AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaarrrrrrrrrggghhh .....

I literally reversed back to the dealer and got him to undo whatever his guy had to done to my air cond while working on my alarm. 10 minutes later, it was fixed. Phew!

When I got home, Wan told me no gas man passed our house today. Of all days! Normally, everyday, a few times a day, we'd have a symphony of lorry honks selling everything through our neighbourhood - gas, vegetables, mattresses - in addition to our roti man (good thing he can be counted on). But noooooooo ... today, the one day, we desperately need our gas man, is the day when neither of our 2 regular guys drive by.

Good thing we had enough leftovers for the boys' lunch so no cooking was needed. Ah yes, time to fetch the boys! When we got home, Abang told me his water bottle broke and so the water leaked out into his bag, wetting his spare clothes.

Ant J suggests that I make an offering, perhaps in the form of J.Co Donuts, to appease The Jinx Gods.

Right now, I'll try anything.


At 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCo almond donuts...i offer a pic of said donuts la..maybe Jinx God say ok la...she suffered enuff already :-) - Ant J. P/s is the eye? ...


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