Sunday, November 09, 2008

A New Addition To The Family

Of the four-legged variety, albeit a temporary addition.

On Saturday morning, we did something different and went out for breakfast at the nearby Curry House. When we got out of the car, a little kitten approached us meowing away.

It was interesting that it approached us because most stray cats run away from people. Adik instinctively reached out to stroke it (much to Wan's chagrin, "Adik! Kotor!") so I just ushered her into the restaurant to find a table. Daddy and Adik continued to play with the kitten for a bit. (Abang was at a sleepover at Atok's house.)

Over breakfast we concluded that it must have been 'dumped' there by its previous owners because not only was it friendly, but it looked relatively healthy although a little thin. We decided we would take it home, fatten it up then send it to PAWS or SPCA and pay for it to be neutered.

As we were leaving we were going to pick it up to take home with us but it was busy playing with another customer, gnawing away at her shoe. So, as Daddy says, "a bit shy-la" and we went home.

This morning, Daddy decided to go back to the Curry House and look for it - if it's not there then we probably just were not fated to help it. Lo and behold, it was there playing with a customer! Daddy politely asked to take it, "sebab kesian dia", put it in a box and brought it home.

It wolfed down the IAMS and settled down comfortably (another indication that it was pre-owned), investigating the surroundings as well as being investigated by Harun. We just let it be, it seemed like it was ok to be left alone, and it explored the garden and even climbed the mango tree.

Adik is so happy to see the kitten at our house. "Awww, look Mummy, the little kitten so cute... what's your name little kitten? What's your name?" he asked the kitten.

At some point I got 'flashed' by the kitten and I informed Daddy that "it's a boy!" After some deliberation we decided to name it Spencer, after the character from Thomas and Friends. It was Adik who gave me the idea, because just the other day I asked him what our cats names are and he said, "Thomas and Friends." Which is true, since we also have Percy, another character from the train set Thomas and Friends.

That would make Harun the relative from KTM as Ant J puts it. Anyway Spencer is quite appropriate, I think, since the real Spencer has some black stripes on a grey/ silver body.

I've nicknamed Daddy "The Crazy Man With All Those Cats". Who wants to bet that Spencer will never make it PAWS or SPCA?


At 5:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky cat! I'm not putting any money on that cat making it to the local SPCA. We had 3 cats before kids and that's how ended up with them - the whole "kesian" factor. They ended up sleeping on our bed - hmmm, maybe that's why we didn't have kids for 7 years after getting married.


At 9:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ant J also not putting any money on cat making it to SPCA....ok lah, Ant J must tell Rabbit he has another cousin...3 mat salleh cousins and 1 uh..KTM one :) i am looking forward to meeting Spencer - Ant J

At 10:03 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Mag - the cats we had prior to the kids also slept on our bed. They were indoor/ outdoor cats and came in and out of the house as they pleased. Except at night when we made them sleep inside. Back then, with just the 2 of us in the house, the downstairs bathroom was hardly used so we made that the cats' bathroom and had their litter boxes in there. No issues.

When Harun et al came along, we were already a family of 4 + auntie + maid so there was no way we could squeeze any litter box inside the house. Even if we could, I'm sure my auntie would have a cow. (Even now she's not happy about the newcomer...)

Ant J - Spencer is REALLY cute! Very playful and manja. The boys have taken to him very well, and vice versa. Spencer seems to be quite a well-adjusted kitten.

I'll post more pictures. :D


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