Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spencer Update

As you can tell, we are all very excited over the new addition to our family. Yes, I know, I said it would be a "temporary addition" but all bets are off!

Both boys absolutely love Spencer and they really enjoy playing with him, and vice versa. Yesterday we had both boys playing in the tree with him. Good thing Wan was inside the house or else all of us (especially Mummy) would get such a telling off.

Spencer even used the litter box all by himself, almost instinctively!

My monthly IAMS bill is going to shoot up. Besides Harun, Thomas, Percy and now Spencer, we also have 2 kittens from the back lane sneaking in for their meals.

Some months ago, a mummy cat gave birth to 4 kittens in the back lane and they've been living there since then. Daddy and I considered capturing them (once they're old enough) and send them to be neutered. Essentially, that's our goal - to neuter as many cats, stray or otherwise, in the neighbourhood.

But these are true-blue strays, i.e. they run off as soon as they see us. So if we are to get friendly enough with them to get hold of them and put them into the carrier, it's going to take a lot of IAMS.

So far the plan is on track.

There's a brown and white kitten that's more adventurous than its siblings and would even sit and wait patiently for Harun or Thomas to finish eating and then take what's left. Lately, its sibling, a black and white kitten, has been getting braver and braver.

Therefore, in actual fact, we are feeding 3+3: 3 full-grown cats and 3 kittens.

While Harun is adjusting well to Spencer, Thomas I think is a bit merajuk, wondering what all the fuss is about, while Percy doesn't care - so long as there's food for him, he's good to go. Anyway, Percy is still more like a semi-stray and only occassionally does he sleep at our house. Most of the time he only comes over for meals.

I should rephrase - we're That Crazy Family with All Those Cats!


At 10:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harun from Malaysian train branch ma...easygoing sikit... :-) Spencer knows how to endear himself eh...proly has been kitty litter trained... - Ant J


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