Thursday, November 27, 2008

'Tis the Season To Be A Transformer

It may be "school holiday" season out there, or "monsoon" season bringing heavy rain daily, but at our house, it's Transformers Season right now.

The boys are totally into Transformers. Adik loves watching Transformers Animated while Abang really enjoys Transformers the movie as well as playing Transformers on the Nintendo DS. And it pains me to say this, but I too, yes Mummy indeed, find the movie e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y cool and you should have seen Abang's eyes light up when I managed to complete one of the more difficult missions on the DS. (Yes, sad, I know, hence why it's painful to admit.)

Everytime we have the movie on I find a scene or two that I have never watched before. Even though the movie is showing everyday at Mummy's Cinema, Mummy has never watched it in its entirety before - you know how it is - and since I keep finding scenes I've never watched before, obviously I haven't watched the whole movie.

Meanwhile, Adik will usually request the first episode of Transformers Animated. He's starting to quote lines from it already. One morning, when the boys were up a little earlier than we would have liked, by 9:30am we had already had one round of the movie and one round of Transformers Animated.

Not that I'm complaining. I remember last year was Cars season when we'd have multiple showing of Cars on a daily basis. When Abang was much younger, I think before Adik was born, it was Finding Nemo.

I'm all for keeping the peace in this house.


At 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Ant J's Cinema haus last weekend with YOUR number one son, tis WALL-E season back to i am proud to say that i think i have seen the whole movie, albeit different scenes at different screenings :-)..... - Ant J


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