Monday, December 15, 2008

Our Silly Cat

Harun is such a silly cat!

He's been letting other cats in the area eat his food and then he complains to us (by climbing up on to the garage roof and meowing to his heart's content right outside my window) that - you guessed it - other cats ate his food and therefore - yup, you smart reader, you - he's starving.

Aaaaaaa .....

In fact, one of the kittens from the back alley has been particularly aggressive. Just this evening, I threw a chicken bone out the kitchen window, intended for Harun. I was reasonably confident that he would get it because I could see him and no other cat.

However, as soon as the bone landed on the grass, Harun froze as a white and black kitten appeared from nowhere, hissed at him and tried to grab the bone. Harun seemed to not know what to do.

So I shoo-shooed the kitten and sprinkled some water at it and it ran off. As soon as the kitchen window was closed, it came back. This little scene repeated itself several times. Finally, it made one final dash for the bone.

It came to Harun, hissed at him again and this time, Harun looked up at the kitchen window I assume because he was expecting some help to shoo away his opponent in this game of Feline Chess.

Unfortunately for Harun, quick as lightning, the kitten just picked up the bone in that split second that Harun looked up at the kitchen window and ran off with it.

Poor Harun looked so dejected! I guess it didn't help that I berated him for not being able to fight off a smaller and younger cat / kitten. I mean, look how big he is compared to Adik:

I suppose I'll be paying for that tonight when he meows away outside my window.


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