Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Tiger He Ain't

We took Abang for his regular golf lesson last Sunday and it turns out the coaches had organised a little competition for the juniors. They were chipping and putting and had to go from the markers to the hole in as few hits as possible.

Each child was supervised and coached by a senior golfer ("senior" being relative, in this case the club's junior team players who are teenagers; not senior golfers as in senior citizen golfers). We noticed Abang's senior seemed to be giving him really good coaching.

It was a very bright and sunny afternoon and Abang was a little sunburnt by the end of it. But the best - and surprising part - is that he won 2nd place! Even the coaches were surprised! Admittedly there were only about half of the usual kids who turn up, but even then I would not have put him in the top half of the class, let alone the top 3.

Of course no one is more pleased than Abang himself, seen here showing his prize - a set of 9 brand new golf balls which, according to Atok, retails for about RM45 (dunno how accurate that is, but who cares).

With this new found confidence, he has been raring to practise at the driving range. Yay, Abang!


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