Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mummy's Turning into a Grandmother

Aiyo ... so sad.  I realised I was turning into a grandmother when I was feeding the boys yesterday.

It just so happens that their appetite has been pretty good lately.  So when they eat well (and by eat well I mean food goes into mouth+chew+swallow, not food goes into mouth and stays there until it's time for the next meal), I just keep on shoving food in their mouth.

Yesterday at lunch time they attacked the nasi lemak with such gusto that even though I had to go to the loo I held off, not wanting to lose the momentum.  It's the Grandmother's Method of Feeding Young Children: As long as they want to eat, give it to them.  How cruel to stop them from eating!

This morning I fed them their breakfast and, again, they just kept eating it and eating it without a hint of turning it (and me) away.  So I just continued feeding them, even though I was so hungry myself!  But I kept thinking, never mind, I can eat later, mustn't ... stop ... feeding ... the boys ...

Here's another example.  During the boys' recent Sports Day, Daddy took lots of videos of them.  One particular one caught my eye.

Adik and his classmates were on stage when they were being lined up to receive their medals.  One of the boys was blowing up a balloon and Adik was very, um, curious I suppose.  So he went up to him and *pinched* the balloon until the boy (a much bigger boy, I should add, a whole head taller than Adik) accidentally let go of the balloon and all the air came out of it.

Adik's expression when he did that was just one of absolute MISCHIEF, practically evil.  He laughed as the teacher took him back to his place in the line.

And what was Mummy's reaction to that video?

"Awww ... so cute, look! He's so nakal kan, dear?  And look at that cheeky face!"

Daddy would have scolded me for having such a reaction except that he had the same one too, hah!  Maybe Daddy's turning into a grandmother too!


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