Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cat For Hire

Firstly, many apologies for the lack of posts this past month. I was rather busy at work, as was Daddy, and we had a lot of 'home admin' matters to settle so I was either too busy or too tired to blog. (And we're throwing in the towel - we're getting a maid!)

Anyway, back to blogging. I had a very amusing exchange with our neighbour today. When Adik and I got home from his art class, our neighbour came to the gate and said, "Pinjam kucing sekejap, boleh tak?"

I was like, "HUH? You want to borrow my cat?"

So then it was explained to me. "Your kitten came into my house today [at this point I put on my Horrified And Apologetic face] and my daughter had so much fun playing with it. Then when he left, she was so upset. She's still crying now, so is it ok if I take him to play with my daughter for awhile? Nanti I hantar dia balik."

"Uh ... sure! Hiro, come here! You go play with the che-che for a little while, ok?"

Hiro was actually rather reluctant and kept struggling and jumping off when I carried him to pass him to my neighbour. Eventually I managed to do the hand-off.

No more crying!

About half an hour later, Hiro was back at our front door.

He's quite a hit with Cuz as well when Cuz was here the past two times.

Oh, by the way, Project Entrapment is 33.33% complete. Remember those 3 stray cats in the back alley that keep eating Harun and Thomas' food? Well, I managed to get one of them and send him to the animal hospital to be neutered.

It was so easy, but that's because he's the most jinak of the lot. He was very hungry, so I put some food in the carrier, he went in, I latched the door shut, he kept eating and just meowed later when he realised he's trapped. Anyhow, the surgery went ok and now he's back in the alley and coming back for more free food.

Which is ok, because he earned it already. Our Free IAMS For Life programme has only one taker so far. I'm trying to force the other two - specifically the female, so she doesn't dump newborn kittens at our doorstep anymore - to take up the programme but they're a whole lot more suspicious than the first one. Abang has named the neutered guy Magnetic Ray (although I would have been happy for him to be just Ray, short for Stray).

The other male cat is very skittish so Daddy has named him Skittles. Haven't figured out a name for the female sibling. We need to capture her soon because it's mating season again and she's being harassed by a grey and white tomcat (who looks like Tai Lung in the move Kung Fu Panda!).

Project Entrapment continues.

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