Monday, February 16, 2009

The Language of ... Kids

Well, my kids anyway.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but Nenek has been complaining that the boys don't speak Malay very well. In fact, I think her exact words were, "Abang tu cakap Melayu macam mat salleh."

Well, we think they speak perfectly fine Malay. Of course, that was until I overheard Abang asking Wan, "Wan! Apa itu untuk?" I cringed so hard when I realised that was a literal translation of "What's that for?" Good thing Nenek wasn't there!

Then there was the time Abang was playing a game on his computer - I think it was Batman - and Wan was asking him what the game was about.

"Abang main apa tu?"

"Abang main computer game."

She peered closer at the screen. "Abang yang mana?"

"Abang yang ni," he pointed at Batman, "Abang Batman."

"Jadi Batman buat apa tu?"

"Batman nak kill the bad guys sebab dia nak save the world."

Hmmm ... maybe Nenek isn't too far off the mark eh.

Then, today, Adik asked Wan for some cold milk:

"Wan, Adik nak sejuk susu!"

Cringe, cringe, cringe!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Thomas, the Guard Cat!

I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist posting this picture of Thomas:

"Fear me! For I am Thomas, the Vicious and most Feared Guard Cat!" Purr... purr... purrrrrrr...

Back in the Swing of Things

After a long hiatus, we finally made it back to KLCC park on a fine Saturday morning. I was very surprised that Abang had agreed to go, seeing as he has been feeling somewhat insecure lately. Still, he willingly agreed and was even quite excited about it!

Admittedly it was a rather late start to the morning as Daddy and Abang only woke up at 6:30am (very late by Abang's standards) while Johan and I woke up at 7:15am (slightly late by Adik's standards, but not uncommon) but only managed to drag ourselves downstairs at 7:45am.

So by the time we got to KLCC park it was already 9:30am after having our usual breakfast at home. Interestingly enough, although Abang insisted on holding our hands (and was adamant that Adik did the same) between the car park and the park itself, once we were in the park he would let go and do some funny walks with Adik following suit. It was so nice to see him enjoying himself again. Of course once he was done doing his little stunts and more funny walks then he would immediately go in search of either Mummy's or Daddy's hand.

Daddy and I were struggling to keep up with them - remember, it was almost mid-morning and a very sunny one it was too. And we also didn't have a camera with shutter speed that was fast enough to capture the boys in action without the picture being blurry.

Then today Abang restarted his golf lessons after a 3-week break. Because he is now so familiar with the coaches (and them with him), he didn't mind at all being left at the class while I joined Daddy for a drink at the terrace. It was unfortunate his usual 'geng' wasn't there today, but as expected he made some new friends.

Tomorrow should be the last public holiday for awhile, so hopefully we can all get back, or rather, thrust ourselves back into the swing of things and get a routine going again!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


It's been awhile since I've posted anything, mainly because I don't think there's been much to blog about. We've all been getting back into the groove of school re-opening and before you know it, there was Chinese New Year giving us another round of holidays! And routines go haywire, again!

And the cats aren't helping, either. Lately they've been having what I can only refer to politely as "stomach flu". So I've become a lean, mean, poop-cleaning machine. I'm not sure what's worse - cleaning up the mess in the garden, or cleaning up the mess in the litter box. I think a messy garden is worse because I can't clear everything up and inevitably there will be some, uh, leftover.

One funny thing that did occur during the holidays was when I went out with Adik and when I came home, Daddy was giving Abang his lunch. When I walked in the front door, Abang welcomed me with a "Daddy let me play computer for one and a half hours!" That, of course, got greeted with raised eyebrows (mine) while Daddy frantically whispered to Abang, "Half an hour, half an hour, la!"

"Oh, I mean, Daddy let me play for ... ah ... ah ... what again, Dad?"

"Half an hour."

"Ya, ya, I mean Daddy let me play for two and a ... I mean, ya, ya, half an hour."

Snicker, snicker. I handed Daddy a pretend shovel and told him, "Here. Dig yourself out of that one!"

Daddy just muttered, "Snitch."

Needless to say, Daddy was looking forward to going back to work! Hahahaha ...

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