Friday, July 25, 2008

Siaran Tergendala

Harap maaf, siaran kami tergendala sekali lagi buat sementara waktu.

Abang terkena wabak penyakit tangan, kaki dan mulut sementara Adik pula menghadapi masalah ceret-beret. Dan Mummy pula dilanda Sakit Banyak Kerja!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm So Excited!

Mummy got a new phone, hooray! The plan is to give my current Nokia to Nenek while I get a new phone. We were all set to get me a new Nokia - having only ever had Nokias since I got my first handphone in 1996 or was it 1995? - and looked for some potential candidates on the website.

Off Daddy and I went to the IT mall at Section 14, as I said, all set to get a Nokia when the salesguy asked if we'd be interested in a Sony Ericsson. I scrunched up my face and said, "Saya selalu pakai Nokia, tak pernah pakai phone lain."

I tell you, this guy was good. We asked to see the Nokia 6500 and when we were not dead against the Sony Ericsson (although I did scrunch up my face) he brought it for us to see it. It looked quite nice and he mentioned that it has similar features to the 6500 but a better camera and cheaper too!

We were slowly starting to like it and asked to put in the battery and a sim card to try it out. He could tell we were not fully convinced yet, so asked how much we were planning to spend, so that he could recommend some other ones with similar function. We said we had planned to spend about the price of a 6500.

It was really nice how not-pushy he was, yet very helpful in explaining everything. After about 10 minutes, I was sold. It's lighter, looks nicer and has a better camera than my current phone and it's cheaper than the one we were initially looking at. I'd always been a bit wary of using a non-Nokia because kononnya the user interface for non-Nokias are not as friendly as a Nokia. But they've all caught up by now.

Allow me to introduce my new phone, the K770i from Sony Ericsson. Except it's purple in colour, not blue. I'm looking forward to posting nicer photos on the blog!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Picture Diary

One day last week it was raining quite heavily in the morning so I packed the boys up to school wearing a sweater. Abang looked like he's ready for a rugby match while Adik looked like he's off to prep school.

Then this week they got new kindergarten uniforms. That's because the principal has decided not to continue under the Krista network and go independent. So all the children got their uniforms replaced. I thought it was rather cute although as usual it's a little large for my boys. I had to take in the sides of their shorts by about half an inch.

Ant J reckons the new uniforms make them look like they're getting ready to work in the Proton plant at Shah Alam but I just pooh-poohed that.

In the meantime, at home Adik is all gung-ho in the garden. I transferred a plant from a small pot into a big pot and he insisted on helping.

While Adik does gardening at home, Abang does his own gardening elsewhere. You can tell he's still learning since he's completed the swing but his legs are not in the correct position. Not to mention the fact that he's completed the swing but the ball is still on the ground where it was before he swung!

Having said that, yesterday I took him to the driving range and he hit pretty well. I noticed he does much better if he's had some carbo (e.g. bread) and MILO just before heading to the driving range. He misses the ball less and the ones he hits are better shots too.

This time I took Adik with us cos Wan was rather cranky, as was Adik, and I didn't think it was a good idea to leave them alone at home. Poor Adik kept saying, "Now Adik's turn? Adik play golf?" whenever Abang took a break. But I know for a fact that he's too young to start because he wouldn't eve let me show him how to grip the club properly! He holds it like he's about to stab someone with it.

Tomorrow Abang has a kindergarten field trip to the Planetarium and Adik has the day off from school. Perhaps I'll take Adik for a field trip to Sunway Pyramid.

More photos:

Adik learning (unsuccessfully) to pole dance at Megakidz during a birthday party recently. Perhaps he should pursue other, um, interests.

And here's Abang playing Daddy's Nintendo at the mamak restaurant while Ant J gets her car washed.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Communication 101

Daddy came home last night with (what I thought was) startling news.

"I was in an accident today," he told me, pout and all.

"WHAT?! Oh my GOD!! Are you ok??"

"Oh, no, no, I don't mean a car accident."

"Oh. Phew," I was so relieved.

"No, wait, I mean, it did involved the car..." he replied.

"What?! Wait, so DID you or DID YOU NOT have an accident?" I'm like swinging between Major Concern and Relief, slowly heading towards Impatience.

"It's like this. I was closing the tailgate ... "

I interrupted him. "Ha? The what?"

"The tailgaaaate." Impatience heads his way now.

"Oh." I paused for a second. "You mean the boot, izzit?"

"Sigh. Yes. I was closing the *boot* but I was standing a little too close to the car and the corner of the *boot* caught my shirt pocket and now it's koyak. Can you send it to Edward and see what he can do?"

Daddy and I obviously need to work on our communication, or else we will have to resort to charades. And we know how THAT turned out!

Friday, July 04, 2008

This Week

Hard to believe it's the end of the week already! It seems like everyday something is going on.

So far, this week, we've managed to get Abang to nap in the afternoon on Monday and Wednesday. Yes, that in itself is cause for celebration.

Then on Wednesday, since he had a good nap and was feeling quite refreshed I took him to the nearby driving range to pukul bola. We'd never been to this driving range before but since it's open to the public and much, much closer than going to the club, I thought we'd try it out.

Abang did really well! He hit 50 balls and hit most of them on the first try, and even hit some pretty good ones. Definitely an improvement.

Then, yesterday, we decided to go to Atok's house for the afternoon. Wan and Adik have been cooped up at home from Monday to Wednesday so it was nice for them to get out. I napped with Adik at Atok's house since he'd been having some very restless nights lately, and one night he wouldn't fall asleep until 10:30pm! When we both woke up, Abang had finished his Mandarin homework with Cikgai and we were ready to go to the club.

We had an old couch and carpet that we wanted to give away, and Atok had inquired at the caddy hut at the club and they were happy to have it. Man, I was so pleased to have a big van that could fit the boys, Wan and me AND the couch, carpet, PLUS Abang's golf bag.

Did I mention Abang has a golf bag and some clubs? We got some very good deals on used children's clubs at KinderGolf ( at 1Utama. He's so pleased with them he even carries it around himself. Which IS a big deal.

In the meantime, Adik has been a pretty well-adjusted boy, considering his lack of sleep. Yesterday morning he hopped merrily by himself into the kindergarten from the car. It's really nice when I fetch them from kindergarten, they yell "BYE" to their friends, and all the kids waiting out there yell back, in unison, "BYEEEEEE!!!!" It's kinda cute.

Then, finally, yesterday, Daddy got his birthday cake. I was supposed to make it last Friday but it was Report Card Day and I had to take Abang to his his pediatrician. (Funny how that happens.)

As requested, I made an orange cake with chocolate icing. But I find the orange cake is a little 'padat' and not as fluffy. So maybe next time I'll try a chocolate cake with orange icing instead.

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